Here you'll find our global legal documentation. Reference our policies, procedures and more for a thorough understanding of our terms and conditions.
Code of Conduct
The cornerstone of our business ethics, integrity and compliance commitment, this code defines the company’s expectations for employees and directors.
Discover how our solutions and services fully comply with the latest regulations and standards, keeping your data, networks and information secure, and your work practices environmentally friendly.
Cookie Policy
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise provides complete transparency of cookies used on their websites to promote compliance with privacy and data protection.
Environmental Policy
We are committed to protecting the environment and operating in a way that reduces our impact on the environment.
We share a commitment with Covered Entities to protect the privacy and confidentiality of Protected Health Information.
FERPA Policy
We are committed to protecting the security and privacy of our customers’ educational data.
Protecting your personal data is important to us. This page sets out our commitment to handle all personal data in a transparent, compliant and responsible way.
Terms of Use
We want to make the terms of using our website and online services clear to everyone. You will find information about rights, liability and usage.
Trademarks Copyright
The following information will help you ensure correct trademark attribution in all published materials.